How to leverage Video to Build a Luxury EXPERIENCE.
Anna Sagastume Anna Sagastume

How to leverage Video to Build a Luxury EXPERIENCE.

There comes a time in every successful business, when the success leads to a defining decision: do you keep serving as many clients as possible, or do you further refine, define, and elevate your business’ client experience? For many, the path toward a well-defined niche is highly attractive, but taking your business to this next level requires deliberate positioning. Today, we will be sharing what types of videos serve the luxury business model, and what makes them stand out above the rest.

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The 5 Types of Videos Every Business Needs
Anna Sagastume Anna Sagastume

The 5 Types of Videos Every Business Needs

If you’re just beginning to think about incorporating video into your business marketing plan, knowing where and how to start can be overwhelming. In today’s post, we’re going to break down the most important videos that every business needs to have created in order to establish a solid foundation for video marketing that can be built upon for years to come.

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